About us section, a must-have on startup websites

(After reading this article you will know which content is needed in an About section)


It is highly recommended for all companies to include an About Us section on their websites, but for startups is even more important. Why?


1. To be trustworthy

You need to convince your potential customers that you’ll succeed, especially because Startup is a synonym for risky and unpredictable business. Not having an About Us section, far from hiding the truth—that you are 3 people in a garage, it’s shouting it out.


2. To make your brand human

Most brands are looking forward to being more human, so they can develop long-lasting relationships with their clients. The About Us section accelerates the establishment of this relationship as you are opening the doors of your house for everyone to take a look in.


How to organize the information on the page? At least, you need to include these 3 sections:


1. Put a face on it – who you are

You need a cheesy story about your beginnings, your milestones, and the profiles—pictures included, of the people behind the project.


If you are just a few people working hand in hand with the maximum number of interns the law allows you to hire, upload only the Manager’s profiles. Visitors won’t know that you are actually the manager, the executive, and the intern.


If you have investors, mentors, or someone important who backs you up, this is the place to have their names and faces as well.


2. Show your place – where are you

All the offices have something nice to show, if not, try with a picture of the views, or even a map with your location. In case your partner lives in Dublin and you in San Francisco, voilà, you have two offices.


Don’t forget the sentence [your brand], made with love from [wherever you are located].


3. Quote whatever nice someone has said about you – who trust you

The About Us section is not just you talking about you. Include customers’ testimonials, press coverage, and awards. Remember that people trust other people more than what brands say about themselves.


4. Hire talented people – who you want

It says a lot about you the positions you have available, for how long a position remains open, and if you are hoping to recruit 42342345 interns.


This a good section to talk about perks, social life, and employees’ quotes (but not too cheesy, they need to be credible).

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