Quotes on loading bars
Nobody likes waiting, but sometimes you need to. Canva solves it by adding some inspiring quotes on the loading bar.
Microcopy, the climax of copy
Microcopy is not only about UX, it is also an indicator of how detail-oriented your brand is.
Take the time to make special your generic instructional texts, like Trello does.
App customers are more loyal
Probably you are one of many that have discovered that loyalty is higher among your App customers.
Do you want to migrate web customers to your app? Offer them an incentive. Even a 17 cts discount.
How to create a trustworthy brand as a startup
Four tips to make your customers trust you, from Transferwise:
- Well known investor
- 5-star reviews
- Media coverage
- Previous successful projects
Tell me about the benefit, not the feature
When writing an ad copy, lead with the customer’s pain point that your product solves.
Avoid saying that your platform has an A/B testing feature. Instead, make the benefit crystal clear: goodbye guesswork.
Then you can use the extra space on your Landing to properly explain the feature: “Mailchimp takes the guesswork out of creating campaigns people click on. A/B and multivariate testing let you try things out and pick a winner.”
How to attract attendees to your Webinar
After filling a form, I’m on a ‘Download PDF’ landing page, and they’re already trying to push me down the funnel by making me book a spot in their upcoming webinar. Apparently, this is a very popular webinar according to the pop up on the bottom left that shows people who recently reserved—being ‘recently’ 2 months ago.
When Marketing looks like Marketing… it ain’t good.
CTAs that make you click
The final CTA of one of the 542342536 emails I receive every day. I swear I saw it.
Google Ads copy that converts
Today I opened my email and I saw these two ads:
Both same USP – make easy money – but different wording.
Which ad creates a clearer picture in the mind of the potential driver?
Avoid creating generic ads.
Make your prospect visualize the promise.
How to get more subscribers
Having a space in your audience’s Inbox is a privilege. Find below two full-screen pop-ups that convinced me to subscribe despite their intrusive size. The reason? A really good copywriting job.
By subscribing, I accept the data processing indicated in the privacy policy. – Unsubscribe anytime.
© 2021 malo and company, SA made with love Barcelona, Spain by vivid digital